Every Third Night is an eye-opening yet poignant novel set in a busy, dehumanizing, and unyielding New York City residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1984. It brings the reader into the real world of medicine at a time of limited supervision and brutal duty hours through the vantage points of young physicians enduring stressful conflicts and volatile relationships.
Jimmy Zito seemingly has it all—strikingly handsome, brilliant clinical skills, and a talented teacher—but a troubled past and a rash of new demands leave him struggling to survive in his last month of training. He desperately tries to guide his fellow residents through their own personal traumas but is not as prepared to handle the pressure as others might think, especially considering the unchecked aberrant behavior of attending physicians, the highly emotional demands of Ob-Gyn, and the turmoil surrounding an ultra-needy girlfriend and stubborn father.
As Jimmy and his colleagues grapple with the overwhelming friction of their circumstances, the intertwined subplots collide and come crashing down when a haunting mishap leaves the program reeling and Jimmy’s life forever transformed.